If there's one thing that hasn't quite hit me yet, it's that I'm a full fledged adult. An adult that's about to get married, buy a house, and have children.
Like the type of adult you dreamt of being as a kid, and now that it's here - I'm not too sure about it.
I miss the days of going to school, coming home to snacks and tv, playing with my friends, and going to sleep, in order to wake up and do it again. What was I thinking trying to be an adult?
I guess the biggest thing about being an adult is keeping track of finances. Ugh. That is a task all on its own. I've been generally ok with budgeting, I've managed to create a lifestyle in conjunction with my career that allows me to live comfortbly - however, with a home in the very near future, and kids about two years away, I need to start saving where ever I can, and be able to knowledgeably speak about my finances, and my current state of affairs. To be able to know I wont be paycheck to paycheck with the added daunting horror of propery taxes.
So, I decided to get real about this, and create a budget binder. I can't tell you the number of failed organizational binders and processes I've created in the past, but I've never quite had a fire under my tush like I do now. My goal: keep up with it and learn where I can cut and save, learn where I can start putting expenses, learn how I can pay certain loans off earlier than expected.
After hours and hours and hourssss of research on budget binders, pintersting printables, watching youtubes on planning and budgeting, I decided to take it in to my own hands.
I never found a printable that I was just like Damn, that's the one. So, here I am creating a spreadsheet to use. I've also created it to share with you, in hopes this helps you with your future budgeting endeavors.
Included is a cover, yearly overview, bill checklist, and monthly budget. Make sure you print out twelve of the monthly budget ones! I'm still tweaking my personal one, so I'll update as soon as it's complete. I'm also working on a "deluxe" budget binder. Look forward to that!
Included is a cover, yearly overview, bill checklist, and monthly budget. Make sure you print out twelve of the monthly budget ones! I'm still tweaking my personal one, so I'll update as soon as it's complete. I'm also working on a "deluxe" budget binder. Look forward to that!
Until next time!
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