Welcome to RedVelvet Lifestyle
Welcome to this space that is everything me. From cooking to health, from current topics, to leisure days, this blog will hopefully be enjoyable for all. As a disclaimer, I'm a bit crass sometimes, I have my opinion, and it is my opinion, not anyone else's. I'll post about what makes me me, and me happy. You'll get to know me, and what I'm about. Feel free to message me, or comment. I'll be active. So, let me introduce myself.
Jeez. I don't even know where to start.
Well, my name is Meagan Renée, and welcome to my site! You may have seen my name float around Youtube, or some other website attempts. But I think I've found my niche here :)
I'm a twenty something professional that works in the hectic world of environmental law. Turns out I really love it, though I'm formally educated in marine geology and hydrology.
I've spent my fair share of time moving around. Born and raised in California, I've moved within Texas and took a quick stint in Louisiana. Each of these places have molded me into who I am.
I have a wonderful family, including immediate family, friends, and soon to be family. I am blessed with the most amazing fiancé and couldn't be more grateful.
Over the years I've found that baking, cooking, working out, organizing, DIYing, and crafting are my way of destressing. I should have known when I was younger, as I had boxes and boxes of scrapbooking paper, ribbons, rubber cement - yeah, you get the picture. Oh, and I never scrapbooked, or do I currently. That takes way too much patience. Maybe one day.
Welcome again! Feel free to get to know me, and the others in this community!
Here's to an amazing 2016!
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